

Embedded System Development

Embedded System Development: Exploring the Embedded DevOps Evolution

Traditional Embedded Systems Development

Software authors have historically written code. If they were done, and the program had gone through QA, IT Ops would deploy it into production, arranging for the servers, storage, and other needs to make the code work in the data center as planned. In embedded systems, the “Ops” half of the equation refers to the people who put the software onto the embedded system and oversee the production of whatever device the software powers. This model worked well for the “waterfall” method of software development, wherein developers spent relatively long periods of time perfecting the embedded system software before turning it over to Ops. There’s nothing wrong with this approach. It’s just a little slow.

Traditional development methods are simply too slow for today’s competitive embedded market.
Agile Methods

A fresh approach to software development was introduced by Agile methodologies. Dev teams run in "scrums" with agile and push out updates at a quicker speed than is normal in the waterfall model. What soon became obvious was that agile teams were so quickly developing code that it was easier to incorporate the Ops and QA teams into the process of creation. Under DevOps, they all began to work together.

What are Real Time Embedded Systems Software Development Tools?

The software which controls an embedded device is Embedded Software. In order to work, all embedded systems need some software. The microcontroller is loaded with embedded software or program that then takes care of all the operations that are running. A variety of different tools are required for developing this program. Editors, compilers, assemblers and debuggers are included in these tools.

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Editors have features specifically designed to simplify and speed up typing of source code, such as syntax highlighting, indentation, autocomplete and brace matching functionality. A editor can check syntax while code is being entered and immediately warn of syntax problems.

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A compiler is used when you are done with the editing part and made a source code. The function of the compiler is to convert the source code into object code. Object code is understandable by the computer as it in low-level programming language. So, we can say that a compiler is used to convert a high-level language code into low-level programming language.


The function of an assembler is to convert a code written in assembly language into machine language. All the mnemonics and data are converted into opcodes and bits by an assembler. We all know that our computer understands binary and it works on 0 or 1, so it is important to convert the code into machine language. That was the basic function of an assembler.


As the name suggests, a debugger is a tool used to debug your code. It is important to test whether the code is written is free from errors or not. So, a debugger is used for this testing. The debugger goes through the whole code and tests it for errors and bugs. It tests your code for different types of errors for example a run time error or a syntax error and notifies you wherever it occurs. The line number or location of the error is shown by the debugger so you can go ahead and rectify it.


The next one in the basic tool is a linker. A linker is a computer program that combines one or more object code files and library files together into an executable program. It is very common practice to write larger programs into small parts and modules to make the job easy and to use libraries in your program. All these parts must be combined into a single file for execution, so this function requires a linker.


A library is a pre-written program that is ready to use and provides specific functionality. Library is a file written in C or C++ and can be used by different programs and users. For example, the Arduino microcontroller comes with a number of different libraries that you can download and use while developing your software. For instance, controlling LED or reading sensor like an encoder can be done with a library.


A simulator helps you to see how your code will work in real-time. You can see how sensors are interacting, you can change the input values from sensors, and you can see how the components are working and how changing certain values can change parameters. These were the basic software tools required for embedded software development.

Embedded Software Development Tools List For your information and convenience, we have compiled an embedded software development tools list, which is being used in Encoding Enhancers embedded product development:

Visual Studio 2019

Visual Studio is also an integrated development environment provided by Microsoft. It is used for developing computer programs for Microsoft Windows. This tool let’s the developer use variables quickly and accurately, using IntelliSense code suggestions. Maintain speed no matter the complexity as you navigate to any file, type, member, or symbol declaration you need. Make quick improvements to your code using light bulbs that suggest actions such as renaming a function or adding a parameter.


  • Improved IntelliSense performance for C++ files
  • Local development with many common emulators
  • Simplified test access in Solution Explorer
  • First-class Git experience to create and clone repos, manage branches and resolve merge conflicts right inside Visual Studio
  • Kubernetes support now included in Microsoft Azure workload
Qt Creator

Qt Creator is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) built for the maximum developer experience. Qt Creator runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS desktop operating systems, and allows developers to create applications across desktop, mobile, and embedded platforms.


  • Sophisticated code editor
  • Version control
  • Integrated UI design
  • Project & build management
  • Multiple targets
  • Qt device emulator
  • Qt quick compiler

The open-source IDE Arduino helps create programs for Arduino microcontrollers. It provides a range of features and libraries that make the life of embedded programmers easier.

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The main advantages are:

  • Ready-to-use boards with all needed components
  • Libraries with examples of codes
  • Open-source and extensible hardware and software
  • Cross-platform support for Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Access to a large community
  • Easy to learn and use
Our Embedded Experience

Since 2005, EE provides full-scale product engineering services across software development, end-end embedded systems design and delivering superior quality and support. Encoding is prudent about the HIGH cost of deployed time, money and effort invested by its client with a minimum of 25% better ROI, Reduced Cost with Better Quality hence delivering service EFFICIENTLY IN time. We adapt our services to formulate tailor-made solutions for our clients emerging from different domains like Logistics, Energy management, Residential and Commercial IoT, Consumer Electronics, CSP’s, ISVs and more.

Encoding Enhancers stays true to its core values with comprehensive proficiency that employees, customers, and investors are proud to associate with.

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To Sum Up

In numerous areas, embedded systems and IoT technologies are implemented and inevitably improve efficiency and save costs. They add complexity to procedures at the same time and generate new staff challenges. That's why choosing a trustworthy supplier and selecting the right development tools and frameworks to create a successful embedded project is crucial. In our next article, we will focus more on Embedded DevOps. Until next time...

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