

Why JavaScript is so popular?

Why JavaScript is so popular?

In the application world we can use any languages according to our need to develop something. We have many powerfull languages like Java, C++, Python etc, but why there is one language which is so popular over the years that it never looses its top position. In this chart from Github clearly shows that JavaScript is on another level when it comes to popularity and usages.

Top languages over the years :

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JavaScript was created in 1995, it is a high-level language that is accessible and easy-to-use for novice , intermediate and experienced programmers alike. This is one of the reasons behind its enormous popularity, it doesn’t have a steep learning curve and can implemented into a project without any reluctance. JavaScript is used in websites, web applications, mobile apps, server applications, animations, web servers, games etc. JavaScript is popular due to its vast usages in our daily life, many applications we use in daily are build on javaScript. Many famous businesses rely on JavaScript to build their widely-used applications. Applications across categories like social media and networking, games, entertainment, ride-sharing, and learning that make good use of JavaScript are:

  1. Social media and networking: Facebook includes JavaScript in its arsenal of services, Fb created its own and very popular JS library and framework React and React native to create interactive web apps as well as mobile apps, other than Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Whatsapp, Instagram these all usage JavaScript. It played a large role in crafting the user interface that users have come to know and love very much.
  2. Games: Although AAA game companies aren't using JavaScript as one of their main programming languages but combined with HTML5, JavaScript is making a name for itself in the gaming application space. Popular games like Angry Birds, Polycraf and Bejeweled.
  3. Entertainment: Many video streaming apps usages JavaScript like Netflix, amazon prime, Hulu etc.
  4. Ride Sharing : Uber is nothing if not interactive, the magic behind its interactive, user-friendly interface is JavaScript. Uber switched to NodeJs like Netflix to improve its backend services.
  5. Learning Tools : You all will be familiar with Udemy which is a learning platform through video cources it also usages javaScript. Offering nearly 100 courses and 38 languages Duolingo is the language-learning tool for becoming proficient in Spanish, English, Japanese, Arabic, Latin, Hebrew, and many other languages it has very interactive UI thanks to JavaScript.
Technical analysis why JavaScript is so good :
  1. JavaScript caters to advanced, intermediate and beginner developers: JavaScript need no environment setup, just open any browser, like Chrome, Edge, navigate to Developer Tools , and start coding. Writing a "Hello World" program is very simple : console.log("Hello World");
    • JavaScript's multi-paradigm nature: JavaScript supports both functional programming and object-oriented programming (OOP).
    • Applying design patterns in JavaScript: The model-view- (MV) design patterns have been among the most popular and have led to the development of several modern frameworks.
    • Inheritance with prototype chain: JavaScript cannot implement OOP in the traditional Java class-based model due to its dynamic nature. OOP in JavaScript is implemented through the prototypal inheritance model.
    • Closures: A closure gives access to an outer function 's scope from an inner function.
    • Currying: Currying is a transformation of functions that translates a function from callable as f(a,b,c) into callable as f(a)(b)(c).
    • Promises and Observables: These help you work with asynchronous functions.
    • TypeScript: This adds static typing to JavaScript.
  2. Modern frameworks: JavaScript has many framework which makes it very powerful. Some of them are : Angular, Viu JS, React native, Ionic, Ember Js etc. There are possibilities that if you are not using plain JavaScript then these are the framework which are used to create apps flawlessly and these framework has many build in features like Routing, Animation, state management etc.
  3. Omni Platform: JavaScript can run everywhere, including: Devices like laptops, mobiles and tablets On the client-side as well as the server-side The ability to run everywhere makes it a universal language.
  4. Open standards and community: Its been 25 years of JavaScript and it has a vast community behind it there are 14+ lakh libraries, many thing you want to implement in your project these library can help you alot. A developer is spoiled for choice. JS community has built many many plugins and frameworks that the phrase "framework fatigue” was coined. In this picture you can see the size of programming language communities.

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These all are the things about javaScript which makes it so popular to use.

References :

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